Sunday 7 December 2014

My Audience

Production Log 10

From the Vox Pops I saw that people felt that many different kinds of ethnicities and religions have been falsely portrayed in the media like; Muslims, black people, women, Indians and teenagers this has developed my idea as I can see that with my I can try to sway some of these incorrect representations of people like teenagers, Muslims and Indians by using them in my film and not using the stereotypical view that has been placed upon them. The main goal in my film was to show what real Muslim people are like but due to the research I am now aware of how many different groups of people are misrepresented in films and I will be able to use these to help develop my film.

When asked about what themes they felt were underdeveloped in film some of the answers I got were; rape, domestic violence, racism, female genital mutilation, bullying, self harm and homosexuality. This has given me a wide range of themes I can use for my film and will match the BSR genre of creating challenging films for audiences and using themes which are normally put to the side and not talked about. My film was already about Racism and this has given me confidence as I know I'm making a film about something which will push some boundaries.

From the question what do you think of our idea people told me a few positives but one was that they liked the main character was able to come good this said to me they a story people may like in films is about redemption, trying to change their ways and that having a protagonist to root for helps makes the film more enjoyable. This has developed my idea as now I want to try and make the main character's story more about how he is changing his ways and possibly see him convert to Islam and still have his group of friends trying to stop him.

From that same question an issue that arised was that it was unclear why these boys are so racist to begin with and what causes the main character to change his ways. I was always going to show what makes the character change his ways but I didn't think to show why he originally he and his group of friends hold so much hate towards muslim. I will add this in and an idea I had was when the leader of the group is beating him up he may angrily state that his father died protecting the U.k from people like him and he may wear army gear to connote that his father was in the army and that he wants to follow in his footsteps.

The question which asked what film ideas people had of their own resulted in many people giving ideas that focused on people being trapped in their current situation for instance the girl with the abusive boyfriend, the boy who wants to come out to his family. This suggested that people enjoy films about someone who is trapped in a current situation and their journey on how they escape, from this I concluded that I should make my film include this idea and have one of the major plot points in my film about how the white boy wants to change his ways but his group of friends try everything to stop him and even kill the Muslim boy to prevent this.

Data Presentation

Question: Have you ever watched film like This is England, Ill Manors or Adulthood (BSR Films)

  • Almost all of the people asked watched Adulthood and other films like that so it is obvious that the plot of that particular film appealed to a wide audience
Question 2: What do you think of our idea?
  • People liked that it talked about Racism and how it was relevant to current events
  • They liked that the main character was able to see the error of his ways and become good
  • An issue with it was that it was unclear why there was this hatred towards the Muslims and also what causes the main character to change his ways
Question 3: Do you have any ideas for your own BSR film?
  • Rich white boy wants to become part of a gang and inevitably ends up in trouble
  • A girl wants to be a public speaker but her abusive boyfriend does not allow this
  • A boy comes out to his family but his family are not accepting
  • A man's girlfriend gets kidnapped by a gang and he has to try and get her back
  • A black man who is cautious of white people due to their history begins to see how they've changed
Question 4: What issues or themes in films do you think are underdeveloped?
  • Rape
  • Domestic Violence
  • Female Genital Mutilation
  • Racism
  • Bullying
  • Self Harm
  • Homosexuality
Question 5: What groups of people would you like to see represented in a different way?
  • Muslims as they are not all terrorists and aren't as abusive or violence as the media portrays
  • Women
  • People with disabilities
  • Teenagers (not as violent or narrow minded as portrayed)
  • Indian (not as 'fresh' stereotypical views, intelligent)
  • Black People (not as aggressive or violent as seen and should be seen as more intelligent)

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