Sunday 14 September 2014

Planning For The Edit Workshop

 Year 12 A/S-Preliminary Exercise

The Encounter

For this piece of coursework we have been been given a short brief entitled 'The Encounter'. In this brief we have been given the instructions to ;storyboard, stage, film and edit a sequence where a character open a door, crosses a room and sits down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple lines of dialogue. The brief asks us to demonstrate our knowledge and understanding of match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.

My groups idea was for the one of the characters to be held hostage by the other because he has something of his and he is interrogating him to find out where it is. We do not reveal what the seconds character is looking for because we feel it adds more suspense to the sequence. Our sequence is very morbid and we haven't added any humour as we feel if done incorrectly this could make our sequence's final cut look unprofessional. As we are in a group of three we split our sequence into three and each of us were in charge of one third of the project. I was delegated to take charge of the first third of the sequence and create a storyboard for it. In my storyboard we can see use of match on action when he opens the door and enters the room and a range of shot and angles.

Charlie was in charge of the second part of the storyboard here we can see him use a range of shots and angles. In his part of the sequence this is where the second character becomes frustrated with the hostage and begins to threaten him.

For the final part, Nikhil created the storyboard, this was his first time ever creating a storyboard but he did just a good a job as anyone else in this part of the story we see the antagonist start to use any means necessary to get the information he wants.

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