Thursday 9 October 2014

Analysis of mise-en-scene in This is England

This Is England Mise-en-Scene

In this scene the character Shaun has walked into a shop and demanded 100 packets of cigarettes and various alcoholic beverages when the shop owner refuses Shaun starts to act aggressive and then his friends come in and steals from the shop.  

Production Design

Time Code (0:02)
 From this screenshot we can denote that the character is wearing a blazer and a checkered shirt this connotes to the audience that this film is set in the 80's as this was the style back then and you wouldn't see many people wearing something like this now especially kids as young as the character shown. This costume shows this character wants to be a mod and be part of the revived mod movement. The representation this has on the character is that he wants the U.K to devolve back to the mid-1960's connoting that he may want England to become like what it was before where coloured people did not have the same rights meaning that he could be racist and that a main theme of this film is racism. This displays the BSR genre as a type of film which likes to confront issues and particular race.


Time Code (0:27)
In this scene the shop keeper is chasing Shaun we can denote that the lighting used is natural which adds to the sense of realism created by this film connoting that this film is real and.  BSR conventionally use natural lighting for this reason. The representation this gives of the BSR genre is that it is trying to use it's film to represent real life and wants the audience ti understand that the issues dealt with in this film are issues that need to be dealt with in real life.


Time Code (0:006)

The actor Thomas Turgoose chosen to play Shaun in this film had never had any acting experience before this film and was chosen because he is very similar to the character in this film. Choosing him to play Shaun adds to the realism of this film as it is showing that people like this truly exist and that this film is an accurate interpretation of real life. The actor looks like a normal person and not the kind of person we conventionally see in films creating the illusion for the audience that this film is real.


In this screenshot Combo has called the other people to come into the shop. We can denote the colour is changed is that they have increased the saturation to bring out the colours better, this denotes that the film is set in the past as earlier films had brighter colours than they do now. The representation this gives about the characters is that they are from the 80's.


Time Code (1:12)
In this part of the scene the group are stealing things from the shop, they sweets you can see them stealing are denoted to be stealing sweets which you would no longer see sold in corner shops in the modern day this connotes to the audience that this film was set in the past. From what the character is wearing we can denote that he is wearing that ripped blue jeans and the man behind the one carrying the sweets is wearing a leather jacket this connotes to the audience that this film is set in 80's.

In my film I am going to use natural lighting as it is a convention of BSR films and it adds a greater sense of realism to the film.  The era my film is going to be set in is the modern era as this makes it easier for me as I don't need to find specific props and can just use what is there and don't need to use particular locations as I can just use my local ones. This will make my production design. I would prefer to use Actors who are similar to the characters I have created but there is a very limited sample for what actors I can use so it may just be easier to use base the characters around particular people I know and use them as actors.  In my film I'm going to use a blue/grey tint as this makes the film look darker and more bleak.

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