Wednesday 28 January 2015

Production Log 15

This week we finished all of our filming, although over the past few weeks there have been some issues as when people can meet up and especially the scene where the fight happens as it had a lot of actors in it, another issue was lighting as the days we chose to film contrasted in how sunny it was and this means our film loses continuity, another issue was that when filming I did not realize by standing there I was creating a shadow that could be seen on screen. I'm hoping that some of these issues can be fixed in editing and if not may have to be filmed again. The date list was not very helpful as people sometimes had last minute plans on the days that were agreed to film on and it just became a race to film whenever we could.

Also this week we found the music for our title from the copyright free website, this was not the original music I had hoped and originally wanted it to be a prayer song but due to copyright infringement that was not going to happen. The song we chose in the end was called slow mo and I assume was originally intended for scenes of slow motion but I feel it works in our piece too. We found it by clicking on the website and choosing the list of cinematic songs they had

There is no lyrics in this song which concerns me as sometimes in BSR the lyrics help to establish the story and we may lose out on marks because of this.

This week in editing we found that one of the most difficult scenes was the fight scene as sometimes the punches and kicks looked too fake, a way in which we solved this was to have just the sound of Usama being kicked play over a close up we recorded of Joe looking guilty. This worked excellently and may even be better than if we had recorded the fight scene correctly, this particular type of shot is common in a lot of BSR films and to use this came across my mind before but I decided in the shooting script to show the actual fight as it would have more strongly connoted the theme of violence.

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