Wednesday 12 November 2014

Conventions of Institutional Credits in An Education

An Education Opening Sequence

In the opening sequence for this film the first few graphics are shown on a black background with a few animations accompanying it. After we see the title of the film we begin to see the film which is just to summarize what school life is like for most of these girls and shows what they do on a normal day, this is also accompanied by animation which depict educational things like graphs just to accompany the theme of school. In this opening sequence nothing crucial to the story happens and just sets the tone with the help of the up beat music. The locations we see used are places in the school and most of the costumes we see are school uniforms. The props used are all things you'd find in a school like textbooks and pens. 

In this title we can denote that there is a bookshelf and various books, this connotes to the audience that this film is based around the setting of a school, this is further enhanced as we can denote the title  reads 'An Education' which connotes that the plot of the film or the setting has something to do with school. In this screenshot we can denote that it is white writing on a black background which is similar to a chalkboard which teachers used to write on this further connotes that it is set at a school but also connotes that it is set in the past back when teachers wrote on blackboards.

The typography of the institutional credits is very basic and quite small but for most of the credits they are single names and not accompanied with another name and they have a little animation with them too and so having a small and basic credit can draw attention to the animation so as to keep the audience engaged and interested in the film. The name of the actual company is larger than what their role in the film was as we can denote in this screenshot it shows BBC films larger than presents and has Endgame Entertainment in larger letters than in association with.

In this screenshot we can see that two of the production companies are shown here suggesting that they did not have as important a role in the film and may have only granted a smaller amount of funding to the film. We again see an animation in this to keep the audience interested as reading names of production companies isn't very exciting for the audience, however the animations all have some relevance to school or childhood like the hopscotch seen in this screenshot connoting what this film is going to be about.
In this screenshot we can denote that more than one name starts to appear this connotes that these are the supporting cast and not the main stars of the film.

In this screenshot we can denote that this is a film by Lone Scherfig connoting to the audience that he had the most of one of the most important roles in the film and may have been the director but contributed more to the production in other areas.

We again see the name Lone Sherfig this time denoting that he is the director, his name appearing twice demonstrates his importance in creating the film as well as that his name being the last credit shown further signifies this. The directorial role in a film is that they generally control a film's artistic and dramatic aspects, and visualizes the script while guiding the technical crew and actors in the fulfillment of that vision. The director has a key role in choosing the cast members, production design, and the creative aspects of filmmaking.

In this screenshot we can denote that the names of the 3 executive producers are shown here connoting that they had equally important roles in the film. An executive producer is someone who represents the production company and deals with the budget and day to day production.

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