Sunday 23 November 2014

Production Log 6

This week I learnt about Opening Sequences and some of the conventions of opening sequences for example some conventions are; super imposed graphics to establish the credits and title, engaging music, minimal dialogue and to introduce themes, characters, setting and narrative.

This will impact my production as I know now what I want to include in my opening sequence and how it should be done. If I had not been in lesson this week I may have tried to create to much dialogue in my opening which would take away from my piece as that would only introduce characters and only go so far as to introduce narrative, themes or setting.

In my film I would like to use a smash mouth opening as I feel it engages the audience while still being introducing all the key elements. In Goodfellas they used a non-linear start but for my production I think I should use a linear start as I haven't got the whole film entirely planned out and only know the basis of what it's going to be about so a linear start would be easier. This week I learned that engaging music is a convention of most opening sequences like Trainspotting and I have decided to use engaging music for my film as it could work well with my smash mouth opening.

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