Friday 14 November 2014

From Fact to Fiction Researching Stories for BSR

The first story I found was about 2 friends who were friends since the age of 8 years old as they were both war time evacuees and by the time they were 17 would go shooting together until one day one of the friends die and the article was about the guilt the man still felt 60 years on-wards.The themes this film would include would be isolation due to the loss of the friend and the crippling guilt he felt, childhood as the 2 friends grew up together, religion as he may rely on it for comfort and even drug abuse as he may have used it to forget the pain he feels. The location could be the countryside as they went hunting for turkey but it should be set near a railway track as that is where the friend died, the era would be the 1950's as that is when it really happened and would make the experience for the audience more enjoyable as a lot of BSR films are set in their current era. The protagonist of the film would be the friend who lived. A possible storyline could be that we see the friend suffering with incredible guilt and the depression he feels from it with flashback of their friendship and the night that led to the death. Until one day he returns to his home town and finds a bucket list of everything the friend wanted to do and completes it for him and how he learns to cope with the guilt and move on.

Another story I found was about the story of a 9 year old and how his house was raided by 3 men wielding weapons who killed his father and threatened to kill him and other members of his family and he still suffers from nightmares and post traumatic stress disorder. A possible storyline I could create from this is when he is grown up the 3 men have been let out of prison and it follows the story of his tale of revenge as he hunts down the men. The possible themes this could cover are revenge, violence, childhood, corruption of youth and mental illness. The location it could be set in is areas of poverty as this might be where the men live after being released from prison and the era would be modern era as that is where it happened.

The third story I found is was on the BBC New Website and was about the poor conditions children suffer in state run homes. The story would follow the lives of these children and their attempts to escape following a similar story to Oliver Twist. The protagonist would be one kid who leads the other kids and organises the escape, the setting would be here in the U.K as it is BSR and not in Greece and modern day. The themes in this film would be poverty, childhood, corruption of youth and aspiration and escape, This story is obviously slightly different from the actual story and the only reasons the children were kept in such poor conditions was because there was not enough funds to provide better living standards and the carers in the report seem to be good people, I would change this and make the carers the antagonist and taking the funding given to them on themselves and only a little bit for the kds to barely surive.

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